Play Green in Link Community


兒童 (6-12 歲)、家長:498人

老師 (瀏覽「綠領『遊』樂遊戲冊」的電子版本):400人


In the 2020/21 period, JGIHK successfully organized the Play Green in Link Community Programme, thanks to the generous sponsorship provided by the Link Together Initiatives. This impactful initiative operated across four districts, catering to the needs of children and parents alike. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the programme managed to surpass expectations. Our “Play Green” tour attracted a greater number of families (136) compared to our initial projection of 120. This enthusiastic response underscored their keen interest in exploring environmental topics and community engagement through interactive games.

The positive feedback we received from participants served as a catalyst for us to expand our repertoire of activities that seamlessly integrate green issues, community development, and skills enhancement. These engaging activities not only equip participants with a deeper understanding of environmental principles but also foster a stronger sense of connection to their community and surroundings. Consequently, participants are motivated to actively learn and voice their opinions on issues of personal importance. This process lies at the heart of empowering children and nurturing their ability to create positive change within their communities.

Primary service targets:
Children (6-12 years old) and Parents: 498 people
Primary and Secondary School Students: 400 people
Members of the Public (joining “Play Green in Link Market”): 13,417 people

Secondary service targets:
Teachers (reading “Play Green in Link Game Book” online): 400 people
Members of the Public (reading “Play Green in Link Game Book” online): 25,344人

Programme details:
“Play Green in Link Game Book”