清潔沙灘行動計劃 Beach Cleanup Activity

為鼓勵大家身體力行為保護環境出一分力, 珍古德協會(香港)組織清潔沙灘行動計劃,歡迎有興趣之團體參與,詳情如下:

To raise the awareness of coastal conservation,  the Jane Goodall Institute (HK) is organizing beach cleanup activity. We welcome any organization to participate in our beach cleanup with details as follows:



  • 藉著海岸清潔和廢物分類,提供一個建立團隊合作和義工運動的機會
    To provide a volunteering and team building training through beach clean-up and waste sorting
  • 讓參加者知道人類對沿岸環境造成的破壞
    To enrich participants’ understanding on human impacts toward coastal areas
  • 推廣海洋保育和日常減少使用塑膠
    To spread the message on shoreline conservation and smart use of plastics in daily life



  1. 《 塑膠海洋》/《STRAWS》電影放映 (30分鐘)
  2. 珍古德協會(香港)教育組帶領解說分享 (30分鐘)
  3. 安排於指定沙灘進行清潔沙灘行動
  4. 活動保險

The package will include:

  1. Screening of “Plastic Ocean”/ “STRAWS” (30 min)
  2. Briefing and Debriefing by JGI Education Team (30 min)
  3. Logistic for Beach Cleanup at a designated beach
  4. Event Insurance


捐款 / Donation: 

  • 港幣 $9,000 /清潔行動 (最多30人)
    HKD $9,000 / Cleanup (Less than 30 participants)
    *更多人數可電郵本會以了解更多  For more participants, please email us for more information

捐款將撥作支持 我們的全球青少年旗艦項目 根與芽行動」
The donation will be used to support our global flagship education program : Roots & Shoots Initiatives」

查詢 / Enquiries:  enquiry@janegoodall.org.hk/ yoyo.wan@janegoodall.org.hk

有關 《塑膠海洋》 / About “Plastic Ocean”

A Plastic Ocean 紀錄了全球塑膠污染的影響,帶大家親眼目睹塑膠污染對海洋生物的禍害,亦展示現有可行的科技及創新的解決方法,令不同階層的人士,大至政府機構,小至個人團體,都可以為潔淨的海洋出一分力。Plastic Oceans Limited 為本紀錄片版權持有者。

A Plastic Ocean documents the global effects of plastic pollution and highlights workable technologies and innovative solutions that everyone – from governments to individuals – can do, to create a cleaner and greener ocean. All rights reserved by Plastic Oceans Limited.

有關 《STRAWS》 / About “STRAWS”

由 Linda Booker 所拍的記錄片 《STRAWS》 獲獎無數,揭露出微小如一支飲管已足以對海洋及環境造成巨大破壞。

The award-winning documentary by Linda Booker, STRAWS, reveals the fact that as small as a plastic straw could be a huge contributor to plastic litter.



更多資料 / More Details: https://www.facebook.com/JaneGoodallHK