The Plastic Reduction Network Project in Stanley

背景 / Background:

此計劃由本會與Green Dragons HK協辦,以赤柱作為焦點地區,打造一個可持續的綠色社區,為建設美好香港出一分力。計劃邀請當地餐廳商戶成為「走塑」的綠色食肆,並鼓勵消費者支持「可持續消費」,減少使用一次性塑膠,從而保護海洋生態環境。
The project is co-led by the Jane Goodall Institute (HK) and Green Dragons HK. It targets Stanley community as a focus area which will be developed into a green and sustainable community in Hong Kong. The project invites local restaurants in Stanley to join our Plastic Reduction network to become green restaurants and encourages consumers to support sustainable consumerism by reducing the disposable plastics. Ultimately, the ocean ecosystem can be protected.

對象 / Target:

The project covers the tourist area and surrounding beach area, and targets F&B businesses, residents and tourists.

目標 / Objectives:

1.     推廣可持續消費的生活模式,支持減少使用一次性塑膠
Promote sustainable consumerism and lifestyle by supporting the reduction of use of disposable plastics

2.     建立綠色餐廳網絡,鼓勵餐廳簽訂《綠色約章》
Build up a Green Restaurant Network by encouraging F&B businesses to sign a Green Pledge

3.     組織清潔海灘活動及相關教育項目
Organize regular beach clean-up activities and related education programmes

成就 / Our Effort:

We are actively promoting plastic reduction through various educational programs including:

  1. 海洋大塑除—社區為本海灘清潔計劃 ECF The Big CleanUp
  • 海洋大塑除致力培育本地青少年成為海洋大塑除大使,在各區推廣除塑經驗,為海洋出一分力
  • The Big CleanUp aims to nurture local youth to become ocean plastic reduction ambassadors who will take the lead to raise public awareness of plastic pollution and build a better ocean.
  1. 餐廳綠色約章Green Pledge for Restaurants
  • 簽訂綠色約章的綠色餐廳需達到約章中至少五項減塑目標
  • Green Pledge is a commitment for restaurants to sign up to become a green restaurant. In the commitment, restaurants should achieve at least 5 plastic-reduction initiatives listed in the pledge.

項目活動 / Programme Activity:

  1. 減塑環保教育日Plastic Reduction Environmental Education Day

A movie screening on STRAWS and a beach clean up activity will be held on 9th June 2018 (Sat). Participants will lean more about the environmental impact of using plastic straws and have an opportunity to reduce micro plastics on the Stanley beaches. For more details, please refer to the poster below and register HERE.


2. 端午龍舟節塑膠回收行動 Dragon Boat Festival Plastic Collection Campaign


三天活動期間,我們的義工團隊聯同合作伙伴V Cycle和Gree Dragons HK 聚集於赤柱中心—赤柱海濱,向公眾分享正確回收膠樽的方法。我們一共收集超過600個膠樽,它們將被送往V Cycle,以支持一項「拾樽背後• 關懷扶貧」 的回收及升級再造項目。



During the Dragon Boat Festival in Stanley from 16th June to 18th June 2018, our dedicated team of 15 volunteers who were our Plastic Reduction Ambassadors set out to engage the public on responsible plastic usage and saying “No” to single-use plastics.

With our team of Plastic Reduction Ambassadors, we placed ourselves in the heart of Stanley waterfront for the three-day events, speaking to the public and sharing with them the proper ways to recycle water bottles with our partners V Cycle and Green Dragons HK. We managed to retrieve over 600 bottles for repurposing into reusable tote bags and the retrieved bottles would be upcycled by V Cycle in their project named “10 Tonnes PET Bottles Collection Challenge”.

By encouraging visitors and residents to rethink the negative impact of using single-use plastics, we joined hand to contribute everyone’s effort to build an eco-friendly community in Stanley.

In the future, we hope to spread the momentum and meaningful work to other districts in Hong Kong. Please join us if you care!

捐款 / Donation:

We hope to fund raise for the Dragon Boat Festival Plastic Collection Campaign. If you would like to support us, please DONATE.

合作機構 (排名不分先後) / Part Organization (listed in no particular order):

Green Dragons HK, V Cycle, International Montess